Saturday, December 17, 2011

More than words

Thank you for the breath I still inhale
Thank you for the eyes to see Thy creations
Thank you for the mouth to taste the food
Thank you for the nose to sniff
Thank you for the ears to hear
Thank you for the feet to spread on your light
Thank you for the hands to serve people who need
Thank you for your faithfulness
Thank you for never leaving or forsaking me
Thank you for loving me unconditionally
Thank you for forgiving my sins
Thank you for peace of mind
Thank you for the knowledge
Thank you for doing exceedingly abundantly above what I can imagine or think
Thank you for wiping away my hurt pain, and tears
Thank you that I can bring every care and concern to you
Thank you for giving me the desires of my heart
Thank you for meeting all my needs
Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe
Thank you for providing me with opportunities to succeed
Thank you for my family, friends, and loved ones
Thank you for my students and co-journers who walk together with me
Thank you for loving people and being loved
Thank you for the life-mate whom you've prepared
Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice
Thank you for giving me a hope and a future
Thank you for divine prosperity and abundance
Thank you for overflowing joy
Thank you for causing me to soar above my problems
Thank you for working out all things for my highest good
Thank you for lifting me out of darkness
Thank you for changing my life which impact on others' life-changing
Thank you for experiencing you more in the beginning of the day
Thank you for the boldness
Thank you for divine wisdom
Thank you for contentment
Thank you for guiding my footsteps and directing my paths
Thank you for turning my ashes into beauty
Thank you LORD, you are more than words, not enough to say my thankful

By: Hilbert Josua Handel Sasiang

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Students Led Movement

  • Students have plans & Students' movement not staff's movement

I always praise God when I see students who take part in spiritual movement at their campus. They made the plan and they did. They saw it as students movement and didn't see as the staff movement on their campus.

  • They work based on Dream Giver's Vision, to reach-out the losts

They  do this movement because they knew to fulfill the Great Commission as what Jesus said to all believers. They are not afraid to be under CCC or staff, they do because they have hearts for others who need God's love-salvation.

  • Students Led Movement =/= Students Led Spiritual Activities
Movement is not equal to spiritual activities such as fellowship, bible study, or else. But spiritual activities can help to reach the purpose of movement. For example, if you have fellowship everyweek but just stay there, can you call it as movement? If you have continuous bible study but just bible study without the leader leads his/her disciples to lead discipleship and take initiative for movement, can you call it as movement?

Students Led Movement in Poland 

Students Led Movement in CCC Thailand Conference

  • The students leader are not working alone, they pray and challenge other students to take part
It's good to see movement not only by one student leader, they invite other students after share vision and challenge them to do the same, it's good to see movement as a team. You can support each others and encourage, you can discuss the strategy to reach-out the lost students in your campus, you can spend time together with bible study and free time like one hearted family in Christ. It's very WONDERFUL!

  • Staff just equipped student leaders, student leaders will decide and make the movement alive 
Like MAWL (Modelling, Assisting, Watching, Leaving), the same here, the first time, staff will be a model, then staff just assist as the student leaders take initiative to make the movement alive. Staff will watch and give feedback in addition for suggestions, and staff will leave, the student leaders will take full movement and do by the students. Kuya Jojo from CPU said, MAWL is like making the student to become a leader,

I lead you watch
I lead you assist
You lead I assist
You lead I watch

  • Fully depends on God to search His presence by prayer movement
The first goal of building movement is having prayer as the culture. By praying, we will know what God wants us to do, to align to Dream Giver's vision. By praying, we will be encouraged again, something we see as FAITH and not by SIGHT. So, when we fully depend on God, we know that Our Creator is bigger than our FEAR to do what Jesus commanded to us.

  • 4 C
To build the movement in our campus, we can have 4 C as the core mindset of movement, the first C is for commitment. When we have commitment to do our movement, this commitment is not for human, this commitment belongs to our God. The second C is for consistency, as the student leaders who lead the movement, we should have consistency that movement is the life-time journey. The third C is for creativity, I believe the students always have creativity, they should maximize their talents. The last C is for calling, actually as the students, they will have calling from God to do their movement after they finish their study in university (this is what we called 7 mountains).

Sunday, November 13, 2011

God's Wisdom is Above All

If someone asked you, what you want? I will definitely give it all, about what you will ask? Surely we will not ask for half-hearted,certainly warranted we will ask all the special things.

The same has been questioned by God to Solomon, what do you want? Solomon did not ask for richeshonorstrengthand so on.Solomon asks only one thing that is wisdomWisdom that comes from God is far beyond anything in the worldWisdom given byGod would equip all the needs that Solomon needed. More thanwisdomGod also adds richness and longevity to Solomon.

Soif God asks the same thing to us as student leaderswhether the things we want to ask from God?

John 15:7, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

W-I-S-D-O-M for student leaders:

Wisely thoughts
Inspire others
Self-control to emotions
Delightful to God, families and friends
Obedient according to His word
Model for other students in life by sharing faith

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Revive me, O God

A few days ago, I sat down in my bed, I awoke from my dream. It's like a short dream - that's so fleeting. It came across my mind at night and then went away in the morning when I woke up. Then so many questions came inside. What can I do for my generations? What is the simpe thing I can do?

At that time, I heard the bird's voice and I saw brightly sun's light entering my room. Silently and quiet place,'s better to come to God before I started my activities. There's no comfort place for me to face my lovely Creator. There's no comfort place to tell my stories what I've done here in my life. Nobody else knows, but God knows and always hear what I am.

When I wanted to worship Him, I didn't know what song I should start to praise Him. I prayed, "O God, as the same questions which came into my mind, I want You to use me to be a humble servant." Some words came into my mind and I started to praise God. I didn't know from where that words came, but I am sure the words came from Him. Here is the words of that song,

(In Indonesia)

Aku melangkah jalani hidup ini
Bersama dengan waktu yang terus melaju
Untuk apakah aku ada di sini Tuhan
Kalau bukan untuk melayani-Mu

Inilah aku di hadapan-Mu Tuhan
Bersama dengan segala yang aku miliki
Pakailah aku Tuhan sebagai alat-Mu
Menyelamatkan jiwa yang terhilang


Bangkitkan aku, bangkitkan aku
Jadikan aku hamba-Mu yang setia
Bangkitkan aku, bangkitkan aku
Jadikan aku hamba-Mu yang berkenan

With Hybrid team (Daylinda, Eviejoy, NJ, Rexyl, Nico, Kuya Reuben, Me, and Marwin) 

With the sunday school teachers batch 2008

With my sunday school students

(In English)

I am walking on, still walking through this life
Together with the time which is kept going
For whether I am here, to be here with You, O Lord
If I was not to serve, my glorious Thee

Here I am Yours, in Your presence, O God
Along with all that I have which You gave for me
I surrender my life to be used as Thy instrument
For reaching out and save them who were lost


Revive me, O God. Revive me, O God
Please make me becoming a faithful one
Revive me, O God. Revive me, O God
Please make me to be Your pleasing servant

This song has been my reflection. Have I served my God with all of my heart, my mind, and my soul? Have I given all that I have to be used by God? Have I let God to use me to save the losts? I hope and I always pray for all of us to have the same spirit like this song told us to be humble and condescend servants. Let Him used us all of our days to reach out the losts! All the glory only to God!

Make Me a Servant

Leaders are the ones who serve. Not only leading people but also the ones who care his/her people.

May this song be blessing for everybody who listen.

Make me a servant-Maranatha Singers

Enjoy being a servant in God's presence!

For You are the only One

O God, You are my place
To lift up my burdens
You listen to my prayer
In the time of distress
Sometimes my thoughts trouble me
And my heart is in anguish
But You are still the one
Who calms they down

O God, You are my shelter
From the horror of enemies
Far away from the tempest and storm
You guard my mind and heart
Sometimes I am confused to the wicked
Foes are raising against me
But You are still the one
Who besides me forever

O God, You are my joy
For my salvation is You
And You are my mighty Saviour
You ransom me from the dead and sins
So, I will cast my cares to the LORD
And let Him sustains me
For You are the only one true God
Who will never let the righteous fall

Do you Remember About One Story?

Do you remember about one story
On hand are hollow spikes
The hand that always give you a hug
with love
The hand that is always wide open
When you sin
And feel far from God
Do you remember the story
Head bowed
By a crown of thorns
Which lowered the power of death and sin
His stripes heal the wounds
Yes, that's the symbol of the king of the Jews
But the fact he is the King of the universe
Do you remember the story
The death of a blameless
His death is transforming your life and I
Only once and for all
Because of his love of this world
He comes in the simplicity
And loyal obedient unto death on Calvary

Learning from Nehemiah - Seven secrets about a dream leader

The distiquishing feature of dream L-E-A-D-E-R-S is that they lead by serving:

Let a substantial of your DREAM be to inspire others to pursue theirs

Examine where people's talents and passions lie, and to employ these to benefit all

Allow people to try new things and take initiative

Discover the corporate value of further training. When a new skill or course helps individuals towards fulfilling their DREAMS, they inspire the whole group

Envisage what DREAMS you want to realise as a group and discuss this regularly to avoid losing touch with changing circumstances.

Remember that DREAM leaders serve others. An excellent way would to be actively help them to pursue their DREAMS

Stick to God's Big DREAM for the world as the test of aunthenticity when you assist people in recognising their life DREAMS

We know the story of Nehemiah who came to build again his beloved town - Jerusalem. As the student leaders, we can learn from his story and the role of God's Dream in Nehemiah's life that teach us about four things important in good leadership:

Nehemiah had a Dream: Nehemiah speaks of "what my God put in my heart to do for Jerusalem" (Nehemiah 2:12). Some would think a better place to live in palace to be a Dream Life, but Nehemiah had a different Dream. This wasn't not a Dream he had made up, it was a Dream that God, the Dream Giver, had given to Nehemiah and his people.

Nehemiah saw a need: Nehemiah was touched by the account of his people's distress. In truth, each Dream that the Dream Giver places in our hearts/the desires that given by our Creator is meant as an answer to some need in the world. Like the song "people need the Lord", it's true, this world need his healing. Nehemiah became a leader not because he can lead his people but because he was able to see the connection between his Dream and the need of his people.

Nehemiah trusted the Dream Giver: Nehemiah repeatedly testifies that "the gracious hand of God was upon me" (Nehemiah 2:8b). He accepted the courage to ask the king to send him to Jerusalem so that the city walls could be rebuilt. It also was God's loving care that gave Nehemiah the strength to continue building in spite of many trials and tribulations. If we did and what we are doing for God, God will give us strength in spite of many challenges that we faced.

Nehemiah could inspire others to dream as well: Nehemiah's Dream wasn't something he had thought up on his own and then tried to force on others, but a Dream that God already had put in the people's hearts, he succeeded quite easily in inspiring those he had to lead to dream with him. One of the characteristics of a good leader is the one who able to inspire people to discover and live their Dreams. Once Nehemiah had shared his Dream with his people, they were so impassioned that they immediately said, "Let us start rebuiding" (Nehemiah 2:18).

Let us start rebuilding our campus for God's glory, reaching out the lost, build them in Christ-like hearted and send them to share vision & Jesus love to other students! A simple decision to do for students life-changing!

His' Drawing on My Canvas

My Childhood

22 years ago, I was born to Sasiang family. I was born from the couple, Jhonie Christian Sasiang & Surida Herawati Tan. I was born in Jakarta, April 20th in a small maternity hospital. I came from Christian family background. Since my childhood (from 1-12 years old), my mom had brought me to Sunday School every sunday. They gave me the best school in Christian school, BPK Penabur Jakarta.

It's not a guarantee

Yes, it's not a guarantee for me. I was born in the Christian family. Every night, my mom always shared the bible story. But, it does not guarantee that I would be a good boy. In elementary school, I've always been a naughty boy and have never heard the words of the teacher. Even more distressing, I fell down in sins when I was at junior high school. I joined with the boys fraternity, it's bad fraternity. 

"Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33
I fell down in pornography, I drunk alcoholic drinks,  I was gambled at school, and I couldn't stop to play online games.

God loves me and has plan for my life

God did not remain silent, a friend who was guided by Campus Crusade for Christ reaching out to me. He recounted the love of Jesus. He said to me, "Jesus loves you. He showed His love on you when you were still sinners. He died for you and the rest of the world to atone for your sins and the sins of the world." Wow! Amazing! I've never heard this before about the assurance of salvation.

Also my brothers and sisters in Christ at Youth Ministry from Gereja Kristus Yesus Green Ville. They invited me to join together in their ministry. I grew up, slowly but sure. I didn't see them who judged me but I saw them as my brothers and sisters in Christ who care about me. I learned the first time to know the meaning of the word "servant" in this youth ministry. I served as the usher, then joined to be a guitarist.

"See on God's sight not by man's sight."

God called me to serve more

I was invited to join at Sunday School ministry after my youth time ended. At the first time, there were so many old teachers who knew me. They couldn't believe, I'm back to serve God in Sunday School. They knew me as the naughty boy as the past. I said to them, it was my past, now I am new creation by God's grace. I learned to love kids and become a good father figure for them as well as I love God. There's nothing beautiful than to serve God. In this stage, God is still processing me to be a good father. I praise God, even I'm young among other teachers, I want to be a model like Timothy.

"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

Challenge to lead UAJ-CCC

The staff came to UAJ to set a movement in my campus. At the first, I didn't want to do this movement. I felt comfortable at Student Christian Organization. But, when I knew, I did this not for CCC or CCC staff, I said yes, why not? I can do this with Christ. I still pray for UAJ-CCC for my disciples and also for my disciples in BSI-Gunadarma at Depok City (the KVs transition from Hybrid) to be Students Multipliying Leaders.

Separated family

I was born from the 5th generation from my dad's family. There were two brothers came from Canton, China. They migrated to South East Asia, exactly to Indonesia. They moved to Sangihe island to find a more decent life. Until one regulation separated older brother and young brother. The government set a regulation to change the chinese name to Indonesian name. Because of that reason, the older brother moved to the Philippines and married with filipino. From older brother, Grandma Julita (Paranaque City), Grandma Nerea (Cebu), Grandma Fidelita (USA), and Grandpa Bonifacio (Davao) were born. The younger brother married with Indonesian, Grandpa Arnold (my daddy's father) and Grandpa Jan were born. I just knew them when my grandpa Jan told me that we have family in the Philippines. Wow!

My family (Me, Mom, Dad, and My Sister)

The faith legacy

I didn't know before until Bung Jerry told me that my father was a Student Leader with him who lead movement also in their era. Wow! My father taught me in God's way, that's why I am here now to lead movement with Campus Crusade for Christ Indonesia.

As His' drawing on my canvas, also His' drawing will be done in your life. For He won't leave His children nor forsake us for what He has promised in the bible.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Students' Psalm

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not flunk;
      He keepeth me from lying down when I should be studying.
He leadeth me beside the water cooler for a study break;
      He restores my faith in study guides.
He leads me to better study habits
      For my grades' sake.
Yea, tho' I walk through the valley of borderline grades,
      I will not have a nervous breakdown;
For Thou art with me;
      My prayers and my friends, they comfort me.
Thou givest me the answers in moments of blankness;
Thou anointest my head with understanding,
      My test paper runneth over with questions I recognize.
Surely passing grades and flying colors shall follow me
      All the days of examinations;
And I shall not have to dwell in this university

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Soldiers of Christ

You and I
As the soldiers of Christ
Of course,
Is not an easy time
You and I
We are struggling
We're in the middle of the battlefield
We sent not into the light
But a light in dark places
To save the lost
How valuable one soul
Our struggle is not against blood
Nor against the flesh
But against the rulers and the prince of the air
Keep our FAITH
Don't loose it
It's our armor and weapon
To defend from their wickedness
To conquer through this evil days
Of course,
You and I are not alone
Because Christ is our warlord
They are waiting for good news
And now is the time
For us as the soldiers of Christ
To move forward
Freeing prisoners of sin

The Vision Giver - Vision as Jesus feeds Jews and Gentiles

We always think what vision is and how we can do to make vision comes true. From its word, vision may refer to visual perception, vision (spirituality) - inspirational experiences, to have goals in life. All the terminologies are showing the meaning of vision.

Jesus showed us the vision when He fed five thousand Jews and four thousand Gentiles in Luke 9:10-17. When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida (verse 10)Bethsaida is Jews' town where Jews people follow Jesus. Jesus also spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed them who need healing (verse 11). The disciples said to Jesus in verse 12, "Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here." Jesus knew the reason why his' disciples said that. Jesus knew they have no capabilities to feed five thousand Jews. So, Jesus showed them how to feed Jews - Jesus gave the vision to them. He took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people.

Jesus has already showed us the vision like he did to his disciples when they have no capabilities to feed five thousand Jews.

The Sea of Galilee

Other example from Matthew 15:29-35,

Jesus came to the Sea of Galilee, he went up to a mountside and sat down. But great crowds came to him, the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others. They laid down at Jesus' feet and Jesus healed them. The people were amazed and they praised God. At that time, Jesus has full of compassion to feed for this people who already with him for three days without eating. Once again, Jesus showed the disciples his vision to feed Gentiles. He took seven loaves and the fish, it means the seventh number of gentiles, seven kings who had defeated in exodus. The gentiles who came and followed Jesus are the result from what Jesus did before to a man who has been possesed by Legions.

Jesus found a Key Volunteer - A person who takes initiative in sharing what God has done in his/her life. That man is the one who has been possesed by demons. Jesus came to this man because Jesus loves him and has plan for his life. After Jesus healed this man, he said to this man not to follow him, it means to share to others what God has done for his life to his family and friends.

From what Jesus did, we can learn to love our family and friends. Sharing our faith and our stories about what God has done in our lives. From one life can be another life-changing through you and me!