Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Vision Giver for Student Leaders

Sometimes, we fell down into worst things at our life. Sometimes, we made the same faults again and again. Sometimes, we felt we are nothing else more than ordinary students. But here, I believe you are more than ordinary students, you born for one purpose of God. You were born to have abundantly life as the students and make a simple changing as the students for your friends, campus, and world. Believe it or not, you are leaders!

I am convinced that every student has a vision. In all my conversations with the students, no matter whom I happen to talk to, I have never come across any students who don't have a vision. It may be that some students can't articulate their vision, or they have forgotten all about their vision; it's possible they don't believe it any longer... but the vision is always there.

You are leaders, who manage your time well, leading some projects in your campus, have responsibility in your part-time job, etc - you will undoubtedly have a vision; a vision not only for you, but for everyone you are leading as well. Basically, leadership is all about vision/dreams. If your vision were to die, it would mean the end of your leadership, for you would have no direction in which to lead those following you. But, your vision will not die, if you want to think what you should do for your generations.

You would not have had this vision of being a true leader if the vision giver himself had not put it into your heart. God gives us vision/dreams because he wants us as the students to become part of his plan in some way or another - his Big Vision of Healing this broken world and its people.

A student leader must have FAITH criterias, Faithful, Availability, Initiative, Teachable, Heart of God. It means you are humble, to do what God wants you to do as you walk and make life-changing for others.

More than the students, you are leaders who always have brightly vision for your generations!

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